9 Best Tips for Students on How to Finish Their Assignments Successfully

6 min read

Today, I want to share an article on how to finish your assignments effectively. I have prepared tips that will help you deal with homework correctly. This guide will help you finish assignments on time. 

Best Tips for Students on How to Finish Their Assignments Successfully

1. Start with easy tasks and then move on to hard ones

John heard about the “eat that frog” method in a lecture about productivity. He understood that he should first complete the most difficult assignment and then proceed to others.

The most difficult assignment was writing a research paper, and the easier one was a presentation for the biology discipline.

John was so tired while writing a research paper that he had no energy left for the presentation. He did not do it so well, and the teacher was unhappy. John’s brain worked hard. It was difficult for him to complete difficult assignments right away.

It is more effective to do easy assignments at first, then proceed to more complicated ones.

But if your homework is so difficult that you simply can’t do it, it is better to ask for assignment help on services like assignmentshark.com. You will get help from experts who know the subject well. Thus, you can deal with difficult assignments easily and won’t miss the deadline. 

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2. Study the content of the assignment well

Be attentive, completing tasks clearly and to the point. For example, in the writing assignment, the volumes of the texts are clearly indicated. Pay special attention to this and count the words of your paper.

If you write less than the lower limit or more than the upper limit, the paper will not get a high grade.

3. Set a hard “external” deadline

People who don’t have a deadline complete their assignment 16% longer than those who set it themselves and as much as 40% longer than people with an external deadline. An external deadline is one that has been set for you by other people.

This approach works great in schools and universities. The assignment deadline is known in advance, and you cannot move it. You just need to sit down and start working.

4. Guess

If you are not sure about the choice but can intuitively prefer an answer to others, then intuition is worth trusting! Such trust, as a rule, leads to a good grade.

5. Get acquainted with the answer options

In training, use the right tactics, and follow all the recommendations on how to solve a particular task as a whole. For example, you should not re-read obscure instructions twice but immediately get acquainted with the answer options.

Then the content of the answers will clarify to you what exactly is needed in the instructions for this task. This is a specific example of a tactic to try. It can be mastered and used effectively only by actively training in doing the tasks.

6. Put maximum effort into assignment implementation

Prepare as much as you can, and try to give as much time as possible to your assignments. Keep in mind that your endeavors will lead to a good grade. From each part of the assignment, it is worth solving as many tasks as possible.

7. Fight the forgetting curve

Hermann Ebbinghaus, a German psychologist, created the forgetting curve in the 19th century. The purpose was to show how much real information a person can remember.

Ebbinghaus was very persistent, and for the sake of this experiment, he had to memorize sets of meaningless syllables: DAX, BOK, YAT, etc.

His research results were disappointing. Most information was forgotten already after the first hour of receiving it. To avoid this, it is necessary to repeat the information.

When you repeat memorized material, the speed of forgetting decreases. The more repetitions, the better everything will be remembered. You need to do at least four approaches.

The first approach: repeat information immediately after acquiring new knowledge. For this, the textbooks have questions at the end of the chapter, and the courses have intermediate tasks. Do you ever not do them? You lose 60% of your information.

Second approach: repeat information in one day after reading. Discuss new knowledge with friends or colleagues. The third approach: repeat information in 2-3 weeks.

Recall the material and repeat it in practice. Make a project within the course. Introduce new approaches to the work. Turning knowledge into practice is important. 

Fourth approach: repeat information in 3 months after the last repetition. Go back to the original material and repeat it. At this stage, new knowledge should already become part of the daily homework.

Congratulations, the forgetting curve has been defeated! You also need to repeat the material correctly. Research shows that simply rereading material is not enough.

Students who just reread the new material completed the final test by 18-50%. Students who asked questions and discussed assignments showed results ranging from 30% to 75%. If the need to get information is always in your head, you can easily finish your assignments.

8. Schedule two rounds 

Plan the average time for each task so that two-thirds (maximum three-quarters) of the homework is dealt with in the first round.

You will have time to score the maximum points for easy tasks, and you will be able to think and get something on difficult ones, which you first had to miss.

9. Don’t get upset

There are tasks that you simply will not be able to cope with. Moreover, only the most successful students can perform 100% on their tasks! Therefore, there is no point in squandering emotional energy on premature annoyance.

Even if you think you made too many mistakes and have failed the assignment, remember that very often, this feeling is wrong: when comparing your results with others, it may turn out that others made even more mistakes.

As a result, if you don’t get the highest grade, then you will get a decent one. This thought will be especially useful for excellent students who are accustomed to achieving the maximum result with conventional control methods.

If you want to become a great assignment fighter, learn not only to strike but also to “hold” them (in terms of boxing). It is necessary to categorically abandon the “excellent complex” of not being able to endure certain local failures.

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Let’s summarize

You now have helpful tips for doing your assignments effectively. Complex assignments will become simple, and incomprehensible tasks will be understandable. Good luck!

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